In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Catching up...

Well, I logged onto the blog tonight to realize I never "continued" the last post about my Spring Break to Pensacola. Whoops! Well to the probably 2 of you who read this blog, I will tell you about it another time, or you already know about it. To catch those of you up with what I am up to, the semester at UVU ended at the end of April and since then I  have been working up the wazoo because that is literally all there is to do around here. With Geoff still gone, I figure I might as well work at much as I can because when he comes home, I will not pick up any extra shifts other than my own, because I want to just spend time with my husband who would have been gone for the last 8 months. Can you believe it?! 8 months...that is 1/3 of our marriage. I wouldn't do it again, haha, but it has been an amazing experience for both of us to grow in a number of ways. Speaking of Geoff, he is 4th, yes, 4th in his class in Naval IT A-school. He graduates in a couple of weeks (I can not post the exact date due to OPSEC laws) and I literally can't sleep out of pure excitement. Basically, that is it for an update in our boring, yet typical lives. One day when I have children my blog will be full of funny stories about the kids but for now, it is just us. :)

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